Frequently asked questions

What is expert news?

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News analysis and commentary by highly knowledgeable deep subject matter experts in finance, healthcare, technology, education, business, public policy and complex professional services fields that is vetted and published by major national, financial, trade and consumer news outlets.

What ISN’T expert news?

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Self-promotional, self-serving, paid content, advertising, press release material. Expert news contributors understand that earning trust, gaining authority, and building credibility come from knowledge, skill, transparency, and truth-telling. The Expert Press works with SMEs to help them optimize how they share their knowledge. The reputation and prominence a highly valuable expert can build through their expert news effort is the reward they seek.

Is expert news the same as earned media?

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Not exactly, but it will likely become the new definition of earned media. Expert news is the fusion of deep expertise and proprietary data science that, in the hands of our editors, guides an expert toward maximum impact. Expert news makes lasting contributions to the news. It not only meets the news needs of audiences the expert wants to reach, it also serves the public at large. That is why it is sought after by the world’s most respected publications. And also why creating expert news is worth the expert’s time.

Are you a PR firm?

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No. But we often work for customers in concert with their PR teams. If you are looking specifically for PR, we can refer you to practitioners.

Is this sponsored content?

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No. If, with our help, our customers can’t create expert news that earns its place in the news flow our data and our process hasn’t done its job. And our top-notch editorial team makes sure our data and our process always does its job.

What types of experts from what kinds of organizations are well-suited to become expert news contributors?

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Here are a few common characteristics:

  • They’re actually experts.
  • They work in businesses that are knowledge-driven, focus on matters that affect others significantly (economically, professionally, competitively, health and welfare-wise, politically, etc.) and which involve dynamic complexity and uncertainty.
  • The experts aren’t afraid to say what they believe, often before anyone else says it. They thrive on sharing what they know with others who will benefit from knowing it. The best ones are smart and curious people by nature.

How does The Expert Press work with national news platforms for its experts?

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We’ve spent a decade learning how to help understaffed newsrooms and besieged editors serve their readers better. We’ve become a trusted ally to newsrooms and a transit point for experts who want to share what they know in serious and authoritative national news and trade outlets.

Do you work well with experts/organizations with heavy compliance requirements?

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Yes. We got our start working with FINRA-member firms in the financial services world. We respect regulatory needs and understand organizations’ care in all phases of their public speech.

How do experts know what news content to focus on?

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That’s why we are here! The Expert Press helps guide them. Our data science and applied knowledge steer experts to the most timely, high-demand expert news pieces based on what they know, what news platforms and readers need, and the audience the expert cares most about reaching.

We’re a news outlet interested in supplementing our coverage with accurate, non-promotional, news-driven content from expert contributors. Is that something we can get from The Expert Press?

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Yes! Please call us. We would love to chat with you.

Where are your operations?

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Our headquarters and editorial operations are based in Denver, CO and New York. Our data science and software development center is in Ontario, Canada.

Who is the customer?

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Knowledge businesses and subject matter experts pay The Expert Press for data, information, editorial skill and guidance, and process to enable them to create and distribute expert news content. We are a trusted source of free high quality contributed expert news content for national news and trade publications and platforms. Their readers benefit from additional expert perspectives, data, and insight; our experts benefit from the publication of their insights.

What geographies does The Expert Press serve?

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North America and English-speaking markets throughout the world.

What industries does The Expert Press serve?

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Our defined industry verticals are:

  • Finance
  • Healthcare
  • Professional services, including law and consulting, etc.
  • Technology
  • Higher education

We also have strong experience with book publishers on behalf of their authors.

Can the published articles be used on my website?

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Yes, but exactly how and when varies by the news outlet that published the article. In some cases you can upload the article to your site once it’s been published; certain publishers require a short exclusivity window. We always work with our customers to find the best path for maximizing the impact of their expert news contributions.

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